Medieval Life
Medieval  Life

Medicine and Cures

People who carried out operations were usually barbers or butchers, they were unqualified and you were lucky if you survived an operation. Medicine was given by old women who were usually known as, wise women or witches. Only poor people would go to these people to get treatment. Going to these women who gave herbal medicine was much better than going to the doctors, as their cures didn't usually work.   

Hygiene in towns

Towns were all cramped together and so were the houses. animals were kept outdoors and they littered the paths. People urinated on the sides of buildings. The sewage of the people was dumped into the streets and it sometimes went on people walking by. Some towns were cramped with people and that was how diseases were spread so easily. Towns and villages were the best habitats for rats !

Bubonic Plague

This type of plague was spread by  fleas which bit rats, the fleas got infected and they bit the humans which also infected them, and gave them the bubonic plague.



Pneumonic Plague

Pneumonic plague is caught by people coughing and sneezing. It affects the lungs and even bubonic plague isn't as bad. the chances of dying are nearly 100%. Some of the symptoms are, coughing out blood, breathing becomes difficult and the victim can get severe headaches.