Medieval Life
Medieval  Life


If you were the a peasant, you would wear anything you could get. If you were royalty, or rich however, you could wear silk robes and patterned gowns. Clothing in the Middle Ages was rough and scratchy, but sometimes it was smooth and finely sewn.  It all depended on how wealthy you were. What you wore showed your rank in the feudal system. 

Peasant men wore stockings and tunics, and Women wore long gowns with sleeveless tunics and they wore headdresses. 
Sheep skin cloaks, woolen hats and mittens were worn in winter to keep the people warm. Some peasants also wore leather boots to keep their feet dry

Medieval Sports

The whole point of medieval sport was to make men stronger in combat. You could move up in the Feudal System, for a few reasons. One of the reasons was sport. They had tournaments like jousting and people could win money. If a person was good at a sport and he won money, then that would give him a slightly more higher rank in the Feudal System. 

These were some of the sports they used to play ;

Archery - Archery contests were very popular

Colf - an older version of Golf (this was a sport for the rich)

Gameball – a simple game of football

Hurling or Shinty - a similar game to hockey

Horseshoes - throwing horseshoes at a target

Jousting at Tournaments

Skittles – an older version  ten-pin bowling

Stoolball - an older version of Cricket
